Thick Red Wine

"Meeting Girls" (Episode: What Would Wesley Snipes Do?)
"Geneva's Song" (Episode: To Die With Dignity)
"Middle School Dance" (Episode: Teen Spirit)


Thick Red Wine (Mike Wojciechowski) is a DIY anti-folk-punk-indie-rock project stretched across different cities, time periods, emotions and dreams. Mike currently resides in San Francisco but has also spent a significant amount of time living in Philly, New Jersey, Chicago, Austin and two cities in Spain. “Meeting Girls” is from his debut album NEVER WANTED TO BE COOL - an indie folk album filled with songs and words about lots of things: recess fights, middle school dances, house parties, philosophers, boxed wine, convenience store clerks etc. Generally Mike's songs are autobiographical. In 2014, he plans to release some of the other 80 songs he has written as well as making some videos, zines and a short book. You can buy Mike's songs on Bandcamp and can follow him on Facebook and Twitter, and listen to more of his music on Spotify.